Thursday, December 18, 2008

Study: Vietnamese Pot

Wooden Spoon with Vietnamese Pot
5 x 7, oil on gessoed bristol

I've been painting on a daily basis since my work hours were cut back to one day a week - a blessing in disguise. This little painting started out with just the red vase, the eggplant, and a Vietnamese cooking pot tied with string. But once I got going on it, I realized I had an empty space on the right side. I went to the kitchen and the wooden spoon seemed to be the perfect element. I ended up liking this painting and decided the composition would hold up in a larger version, so I started one 22 x 28.

I've recently added the PayPal option on my website and started offering paintings for sale. You can visit by clicking on Paintings From The Oregon Outback. Tell me what you think - my prices include free shipping.

I've also been experimenting with eBay and Etsy. I've recently sold paintings using both services and I think I like Etsy a bit better. But the jury is still out. I've also been working on building an identity that generates curiosity and easy identification on the eBay auction site. It's extremely difficult to catch the attention of the right person when you're in the middle of so many thousands of images. I'm also exploring 1000Markets, which uses Amazon Payments instead of PayPal. There seem to be many choices, and each requires a different marketing approach. I'll keep you updated on what I discover.


Marian Fortunati said...

I've never tried any of those... I look forward to hearing more of your experiences. Love the little painting.
Happy Holidays!

Nancy Moskovitz, artist said...

I'm planning to explore some of those possibilities this summer. Others I haven't heard of. Please do keep us posted.....and thanks!